

放学了,我在学校里,想把一些旧的参考书和课本搬回家。有很多,一个人搬不完。于是我叫我的好朋友,佩珍帮我搬。我们要把书搬去我的车。但我又想不起我把车泊在哪里了。我们就继续走过长廊,然后到了食堂遇到了另一个好朋友,阿辉。我们就要一起走。接着我们骑上了脚踏车。我和佩珍是同一架。很奇怪的脚踏车,她在前面踏,我在后面控制generator,让她踏得更快更顺。而阿辉就在后面踏另一架脚踏车跟着我们。看到他,想起了OXX PXXXX里的青雉,但却是披上黑披风的。

踏着踏着,我们不知道是在海岸边还是在海上踏,因为看到右边是大海。左边有一个海上餐厅( = =”,我知道我们在东海。。。岸,因为看到餐厅上有kuantan这个字。我们就说必须踏到码头,才有办法回到家。所以我们就继续往前踏。





Dark Matter Mystery Explained: A Reader's Guide (Infographic)

Find out about what is known about the mysterious dark matter that fills the universe in this SPACE.com Infographic.
Source SPACE.com: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration

Most of the universe is made up of dark energy, a mysterious force that drives the accelerating expansion of the universe. The next largest ingredient is dark matter, which only interacts with the rest of the universe through its gravity. Normal matter, including all the visible stars, planets and galaxies, makes up less than 5 percent of the total mass of the universe.

Astronomers cannot see dark matter directly, but can study its effects. They can see light bent from the gravity of invisible objects (called gravitational lensing). They can also measure that stars are orbiting around in their galaxies faster than they should be.

This can all be accounted for if there were a large amount of invisible matter tied up in each galaxy, contributing to its overall mass and rotation rate.

Astronomers know more about what dark matter is not than what it is.

Dark matter is dark: It emits no light and cannot be seen directly, so it cannot be stars or planets.

Dark matter is not clouds of normal matter: Normal matter particles are called baryons. If dark matter were composed of baryons it would be detectable through reflected light. [Gallery: Dark Matter Throughout the Universe]

Dark matter is not antimatter: Antimatter annihilates matter on contact, producing gamma rays. Astronomers do not detect them.

Dark matter is not black holes: Black holes are gravity lenses that bend light. Astronomers do not see enough lensing events to account for the amount of dark matter that must exist.

Structure in the universe formed on the smallest scales first. It is believed that dark matter condensed first to form a “scaffolding,” with normal matter in the form of galaxies and clusters following the dark matter concentrations.

Scientists are using a variety of techniques across the disciplines of astronomy and physics to hunt for dark matter:
  • Particle colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider.
  • Cosmology instruments such as WMAP and Planck.
  • Direct detection experiments including CDMS, XENON, Zeplin, WARP, ArDM and others.
  • Indirect detection experiments including: Gamma ray detectors (Fermi from space and Cherenkov Telescopes from the ground); neutrino telescopes (IceCube, Antares); antimatter detectors (Pamela, AMS-02) and X-ray and radio facilities.


宇宙学中,暗物质(dark matter)又稱為暗质,是指無法通過电磁波的觀測